Responsible Use of University Property

From: Dean of Students, Kabale University

To: All Students

Dear Students,

The Office of the Dean of Students wishes to address an increasing concern regarding the misuse and vandalism of university facilities. This includes incidents such as:

  • Chairs being removed from lecture rooms and left in the compound,
  • Destruction of sockets in lecture halls, and
  • Theft of bulbs and bulb holders.

To maintain our university’s resources and ensure they serve us for years to come, all students are strongly advised to:

  • Return chairs to lecture rooms after using them outside.
  • Avoid damaging sockets in the lecture rooms.
  • Protect bulbs and bulb holders against theft and vandalism.

Important Reminder:
Any form of irresponsibility towards university property constitutes a violation of the regulations outlined in the Student Manual 2024, Page 45, Subsection 13(a)-(e).

This communication has been shared with the Estates Officer, the Chief Custodian and the Guild President for enforcement.

Your cooperation is essential in fostering a responsible and respectful university environment. Let us protect Kabale University’s property together.

Issued by:
Tukamushaba Amos
Dean of Students
Kabale University


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