[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”12559″ img_size=”350×350″ alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_outline_circle_2″][vc_column_text]
Prof. Joy C. Kwesiga
B.A (UEA), PGD PA (IPA), M.A Higher Education (London),
Ph.D. Higher Education (London)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-tasks” add_icon=”true” title=”Overview” tab_id=”overviewaf56-910f”][vc_column_text]Subject to the provisions of The Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Amendment Act the Senate shall be responsible for the organization, control and direction of the academic matters of the University and as such the Senate shall be in charge of the teaching, research and the general standards of education and research and their assessment in the University.
Without prejudice to the generality of subsection above the Senate shall;
- initiate the academic policy of the University and advise the University Council on the required facilities to implement the policy;
- direct and regulate the instruction programme and the structure of any degree, diploma or certificate course within the University;
- advise the University Council regarding the eligibility and qualifications of persons for admission to courses leading to the award of degree, diploma, certificate or other award of the University;
- make regulations regarding the content and academic standard of any course of study in respect of a degree, diploma, or certificate or other wards.
- make regulations regarding the standard of proficiency to be attained in each examination for a degree diploma, certificate or other award by the University.
- decide which persons have reached the standard of proficiency and are fit for the award of any degree, diploma, certificate or other awards of the University.
- advise the University Council on the promotion, coordination, control and general direction of research in the University.
- consider and report to the University Council on any matter relating to, or in connection with the academic work of the University.
The Senate may deprive any person of a degree, diploma, certificate or other award of a Public University if after due inquiry it is found that the award was obtained through fraud or dishonourable or scandalous conduct.
A person deprived of an award under the subsection above may appeal to the University Council against the decision of the Senate.
The Senate may delegate any of its powers or functions to a faculty, school, board of studies or Committee as the Senate may consider fit.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-users” add_icon=”true” title=”Senate Members” tab_id=”Senate-members”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text css=””]
Name | Designation |
Prof. Joy C. Kwesiga | Vice Chancellor/Chairperson |
Ms. Anny Katabaazi-Bwengye | Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance & Administration) |
Prof. James K Tumwine | Dean, School of Medicine |
Assoc. Prof. Caleb Tamwesigire | Dean, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences |
Assoc. Prof. Wilson Bamwerinde | Dean, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences |
Assoc Prof. Katusiimeh Mesharch. Walto | Dean, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences |
Dr. Damian Kajunguri | Dean, Faculty of Science |
Dr. Francis Akena Adyanga | Dean, Faculty of Education |
Assoc Prof. Businge Phelix Mbabazi | Dean, Faculty of Computing, Library and Information Science |
Assoc. Prof. Moses Nduhira Twesigye-omwe | Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Technology, Applied Design and Fine Art |
Assoc. Prof. Denis Sekiwu | Director, Directorate of Postgraduate Training |
Prof. Natal Ayiga | Director, Directorate of Research and Publications |
Dr. Majariwa David | Director, Institute of Language Studies |
Prof. Kaaya Siraje | Representative, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences |
Prof. John C Lule | Representative, School of Medicine (KABSOM) |
Prof. Edward Bantu | Representative, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences |
Dr. Fiona Mutekanga | Representative, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences |
Dr. Bernard Bazirake Bamuhiiga | University Librarian |
Gad Twesigye | University Bursar |
Tukamushaba Amos | Dean of Students |
Baryantuma Johnson Munono | University Secretary |
Canon Benon Freddie Kwikiriza | Administrative Staff Representative |
Tindyebwa Peace Tushabomwe | Administrative Staff Representative |
Tayebwa Derrick | Student Representative (Minister of Education) |
Kyatuhaire Merron | Student Representative (GRC) |
Canon Henry Turyagyenda | Government Representative |
Herbert Baryayebwa | Government Representative |
Benjamin Turyahikayo | Government Representative |
Tibenderana Narcicir | Academic Registrar/ Secretary |