Procurement and Disposal Unit
Chrissy Karibwije
Senior Procurement Officer
Procurement and Disposal Unit is part of Administrative Operations, which reports to the University Secretary who is the Accounting Officer. The Unit is responsible for the procurement of goods, works and services for the University. This includes ensuring purchases are made in accordance with the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act, 2003.
By Law, the Procurement function in the Country is regulated by the Public Procurement & Disposal of Public Assets Authority(PPDA). The PDU is charged with the responsibility to ensure compliance with the PPDA Act,The Finance Management Act, The Income Tax Act, among other legislation.
Powers of the Procurement and Disposal Unit
- Recommend the composition of the evaluation and negotiation committee
- Contract independent advice as may be necessary in the discharges of its functions
- Ensure compliance with this Act, regulations and guidelines made under the Act ,and best practices.
- Manage the bid proposals and the pre-qualification and submissions and make recommendations on them to the Contracts Committee
- Provide bid clarification and receive bids
Duties & Responsibilities
The functions of the Procurement and Disposal Unit include but not limited to the following:
- manage all procurement or disposal activities of Kabale University except adjudication and award of the contracts.
- Support the functioning of the Kabale University Contracts Committee
- Implement the decisions of the Contracts Committee
- Liase directly with the authority on matters within its jurisdiction
- Act as Secretariat to the Contracts Committee
- Plan the procurement and Disposal activities of Kabale University
- Recommend Procurement and Disposal procedures
- Check and prepare statement of requirements
- Prepare bid documents
- Issue bidding documents
- Prepare advertisement of bid opportunities
- Maintain a providers list
- Prepare Contract Documents
- Issue approved Contract Documents
- Maintain and archive records of the procurement and disposal process
- Prepare monthly reports for the Contracts Committee
- Coordinate the procurement and disposal activities of all the departments of Kabale University
- Prepare any other such reports as may required from time to time
Staff members
Chrissy KaribwijeSenior Procurement Officer |
Twongyeirwe Joseph BruceProcurement Officer |
MBA ; PGD Procurement & Logistics Mgt ; CIPS, level 4-6; Cert. Higher Edu teaching; PGD PPM; BBA; Dip. Edu.; Cert. in Mgt | View Profile | |
Kobusingye RuthProcurement Officer |
MBA (Procurement), Masters in Management Studies (Procurement and Supply Chain Mgt), CIPS; PGD Proc. & Supply Chain Mgt; B. Proc. & Supply Chain Mgt, procurement and logistics certificate | View Profile |
Contact Information
Phone Contacts: +256 782770370