Faculty of Law

Dr. Charlotte Kabaseke
Faculty Dean

View Profile

The Faculty of Law is part of the prestigious Kabale University, one of the top public universities in the Kigezi sub-region of Uganda, serving the niche market demand of East Africa as a whole. Currently, Kabale University is leading the research and innovation drive of the region as a whole. It is situated on the University’s main campus in Kikungiri, neighbouring the High Court of Uganda at Kabale and is strategically and centrally located in the mid-point of Kikungiri campus to offer and conduct legal education and training to students and the public.   Kabale University’s Faculty of Law is also close to other stakeholders in the Justice, Law and Order Sector such as the Ndorwa Prison, the University Police post, the Office of the Directorate of Prosecution and other units housed by the judiciary at the premises of the High Court.   With plans to offer Post graduate law courses and extramural law-related courses soon, the faculty of law, at Kabale University offers undergraduate studies for the Bachelor of Laws program and the administrative law short law courses to the general public for skills development and capacity building.

The Faculty of Law, Kabale University has as its core focus; debunking the role of law and its institutions in contemporary domestic and international society and it is divided into five organizational units: the Department of Law and Jurisprudence, the Department of Commercial Law, the Department of Public and Comparative Law, Human Rights, Peace and Clinical legal education and Environmental Law.
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The Kabale University Faculty of Law aspires to be the leader in offering world-class legal education and training at the national, regional and international levels.

A law faculty that promotes provision of excellent, legal education that is affordable and accessible.

Faculty Core Values:

  • Intellectual Curiosity and Academic Freedom
  • Mutual Respect
  • Integrity
  • Innovation and Excellence in all pursuits
  • Compassion and Customer Focus
  • Equality
  • Participation
  • Professionalism
  • Excellent research
  • Service to the community

Our Staff
We have some of the best legal practitioners, jurists and legal scholars and academics in the region whose passion is teaching the nobility of the law in a manner that ensures that learning is experiential, practical and enlightening.  Our academic staff are actively involved in public affairs in Uganda and internationally and they continue to shape and influence public policy, and legal jurisprudence within and without Uganda, playing key roles in general legal scholarship. The teaching and lecturing staff of the faculty of law have enviable and relevant links with top law firms in the country, and are distinguished members of the legal profession in Uganda and overseas. Some are involved in our teaching programs and others support students and activities within the university through tutoring, coaching, mentoring, supervision and developmental patronage.

Undergraduate Law
The Faculty of Law, Kabale University offers a highly engaging and market-driven, progressive LLB programme which is relevant, common law-oriented, competitive, comparative, relevant and demanding in nature. The programs and course content are facilitated by qualified legal practitioners and high-leading academics.

We offer a diverse range of legal subjects with an emphasis on developing and nurturing key practical skills to prepare you for a career in the legal profession and practice and so much more such as our internship program, legal aid clinics and student moot competitions which equip law students with the art and skill of public speaking, legal drafting and writing, legal research, legal debate and reasoning, just to mention a few.

Our target students are ambitious, go-getters, passionate about justice and do not fear rejection and are kin to analyse and unpack complex legal issues to come up with practical legal solutions to society’s everyday problems. We help create resilient and meaningful links and engagements with the public and we strive to establish relationships with leading law firms, public offices, leaders, government, other institutions of learning and industry experts. We take immense pride in being an extremely diverse faculty that looks beyond race, creed, sex, gender, tribe, nationality, ethnicity and religion.

If you have any questions about studying undergraduate law at Kabale University, get in touch and an Admissions/student Advisor from the office of the Academic Registrar, at Kabale University.

Every year, the Faculty of Law in conjunction with various Partners and other stakeholders organizes several events aimed at equipping students, learners and the general public with legal scholarship, encouraging free speech and academic freedom to debate and discuss topical and key contemporary issues affecting the nation; including major conferences, workshops and seminars and opportunities for continuing professional development (CPD).



Programme Code Category Duration Study time
Bachelor of Laws KBL Bachelor’s Degrees 4 Years Fulltime

Staff members

Dr. Charlotte Kabaseke

Lecturer - Law and Jurisprudence
(Ph.D.) (Wuhan), LLM (MUK), Dip. LP (LDC), LLB (UCU) View Profile

Dalton Odomoch

Assistant Lecturer - Public & Comp Law
Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice(Law Developement Center), LLM-Public International & European Law(University of Amsterdam), LLM- Master of Laws(School of Law, Makerere University, Kampala), LLB-Bachelor of Laws(School of Law, Makerere University, Kampala) View Profile

Ivan Kayiti Mugabi

Assistant Lecturer-Human Rights & Peace
,M. Phil. (Cardiff University); LLM (Human Rights Law-Cardiff University): LLM (International Commercial Law-University of Glamorgan); Post-Graduate Diploma in Legal(LDC): LLB (Hons)(UCU) View Profile

Lilibert Moira Musiime

Assistant Lecturer-Law & Jurisprudence
MPhil (Dundee), MSC (Dundee), LLM (Merit)- (Dundee), Bachelor of Laws (Hons)- (UCU) View Profile

Parton Twikirize

Assistant Lecturer-Law
LLM (KIU), DIPLP (LDC) and LLB (Hons) (KIU) View Profile

Haawa Ruhweza

Assistant Lecturer - Law
LLM. International Business Law(UCU), LLB(Hons)(UCU) View Profile

Agnes Natukunda

Assistant Lecturer - Law
PhD(on track) LLM(OIL & GAS) UCU, DLP(LDC), PGDLP (ILPD),LLB (UPU) View Profile

Martha Ayebare Kebirungi

Teaching Assistant-Human Rights
PGD LP. - (LDC); LLB (Hons.) - (BSU) View Profile

Arnold Taremwa Mugisha

Assistant Administrative Officer
PGD-LP (LDC); LLB (Hons) (MUK) View Profile

Amutuhaire Miriam

Office Assistant
MTH(KAB) on track, BTM(KAB), and DHM(KAB) View Profile

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