Programme Code Duration Study time Intake
Master of Medicine: Paediatrics and Child Health MMED:Pae 3 Years Fulltime August
Master of Medicine: Obstetrics and Gynaecology MMED:Obs 3 Years Fulltime August
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Business Administration (By Research) PHDBA- R 3 Years Weekend April & August
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Public Administration and Management (By Coursework and Research) PHDPAM-CW&R 3 Years Weekend April & August
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Business Administration (By Coursework and Research) PHDBA-CW&R 3 Years Weekend April & August
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Public Administration and Management (By Research) PHDPAM- R 3 Years Weekend April & August
Doctoral of Philosophy (PhD) in Education (By Coursework and Research) PhDE 3 Years Weekend August
Doctoral of Philosophy (PhD) in Education (By Research) PhDER 3 Years Weekend August
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Environmental Science (By Research) PhDES 3 Years Fulltime/Weekend August
Master of Medicine in Surgery MMED:Surgery 3 Years Fulltime August
Master of Arts in Educational Management MAEM 2 Years Weekend/Holiday August
Master of Science in Environment and Natural Resources MEN 2 Years Fulltime/Weekend August