Council Committees


  1. Under Section 43 of the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act, the University Council may;
    1. Appoint Committees and Boards consisting of such number of its members and other persons as it may deem necessary.
    2. Appoint one of the members of a Committee to be the Chairperson of that Committee;
    3. Co-opt any person on any Committee of the University Council.
  1. A University Council may, subject to limitations that the Council may deem fit, delegate any of its functions to any Committee appointed under Section 43 (1).
  2. The Council shall not delegate the power to approve the budget or the final accounts of the Public University.
  3. The University Council may authorize any of its Committees to act with any other Committee appointed by the University Senate.
  4. The Chairperson of the University Council shall be an ex-officio member of every Committee of the University Council and where no specific Chairperson is appointed for a Committee the Chairperson of the University Council shall be the Chairperson of that Committee.
  5. In the absence of a Chairperson of a Committee, the members present and constituting a quorum shall elect a temporary Chairperson from among themselves.

NOTE: The University Secretary is Secretary to all Committees of Council.

Under the above provision, the following are Kabale University’s Committees of Council:

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_toggle title=”APPOINTMENTS BOARD”]There shall be an Appointments Board established by Council and shall consist of the following (Section 50 – 2):

Tenure of Office
The term of office of a member of the Appointments Board shall be four years and he or she shall be eligible for re-election

At least six (6) of the members of the Appointments Board, four (4) of whom shall not be employees of the University shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Appointments Board

Functions (Section 50 [3]):

  1. The Board shall be responsible for: appointment, promotion, removal from service and discipline of all officers and staff of the academic and administrative service of the University
  2. The Appointments Board may in the discharge of its functions invite any person to give technical advice in any meeting of the Board.
  3. To make recommendations to Council on the fixing criteria of determining entry points in the salary scales of the different grades of University employees
  4. To conduct an annual review of establishments considering all recommendations for changes in staff establishments and to make recommendations thereon to Council
  5. To make recommendations to Council concerning Terms and Conditions of Service or application for variation of Terms and Conditions of Service for special leave, study leave or training
  6. To adjudicate (subject to appeal to Council) any dispute concerning Terms and Conditions of Service or application for variation of Terms and Conditions for special leave, study leave or training leave
  7. Make provisions for training for existing staff of the University through study-leave, visits etc
  8. To liaise with University Staff Development Committees and coordinate the staff development programmes of the University
  9. To submit to Council bi-annual reports showing the progress and future plans on matters related thereto
  10. Formulate and advise Council on policies regarding staff development, training and health services
  11. Any other function as may be delegated by Council

[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”RESOURCE MOBILIZATION COMMITTEE”]The Resource Mobilization Committee shall perform the following functions:

  1. To receive and consider the proposed budget estimates from the cost centers for approval by Council.
  2. To control the banking and investment operations of Council and to make provision for the examination of all the bills and accounts and for the discharge of liabilities incurred by the University.
  3. To control all the expenditure of the University under approved Annual Estimates.
  4. To receive and consider all requests for authorization of expenditure more than the approved Annual Estimates and make recommendations to Council.
  5. To consider and propose fees and other rates to the Council
  6. To prepare and keep up to date an accurate comprehensive inventory of University property.
  7. To report to Council all matters related to finance, procurement, establishment and development.
  8. To prepare and present Quarterly Financial Reports to Council.
  9. To cause to be prepared Audited Accounts of preceding Financial Year for presentation to Council within a period of three months from the end of each Financial Year.
  10. To prepare University Development Plans for an approved period and submit to Council.
  11. Receive and consider the proposed consolidated budget estimates in accordance to strategic plan, arising from the cost Centers for recommendation to Council.
  12. To advise Council and its Committees on the Financial Implications of Proposals made by Council Committees, Schools, Institutes, Departments, Directorates, Centers and other Units in respect to:
  13. Measures Proposed for Development by the Unit concerned.
  14. Offers of assistance, financial and otherwise from outside the University.
  15. To Explore and recommend to Council sources of revenue/resource mobilization plans, potential grant and trust funding opportunities for the University at National and International Levels.
  16. To keep under review approved development programmes and to ascertain that the objectives of the University are being achieved and to make recommendations thereon to Council.
  17. Take lead in University fundraising drives.
  18. Collaborate with the Resource Mobilization Unit in writing grant applications.
  19. Ensure that University grant applications meet University fundraising requirements.
  20. To attend to such other functions as may be assigned to it by Council.

[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”ESTATES AND WORKS COMMITTEE”]The Estates and Works Committee shall perform the following functions:


  • To consider the physical planning of the University in accordance with University Policy
  • To oversee the execution of capital development projects and safeguard the University interests
  • To advise Council on matters of policy affecting the University Estates, buildings and properties including but not limited to maintenance, alteration and use of buildings and grounds
  • To advise on land acquisition, control and utilization
  • To receive and consider development project proposals from user departments
  • To consider capital development and works programmes for the entire University and recommend to Council
  • To authorize the preparation of plans and to approve final plans for all buildings and make recommendations thereon to Council
  • To perform any other functions as may be assigned to it by Council.

Tenure of Office
The term of office of a member of the Committee shall be four (4) years and he or she shall be eligible for re-election

At least six (6) members of the Committee three (3) of whom shall not be employees or students of the University shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Estates and Works Committee[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”STUDENTS AFFAIRS & DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE”]There shall be a Students Affairs Committee established by Council and shall perform the following functions:


  • To advise Council on matters concerning the welfare of students
  • To advise Council on the establishment, and Management of the Halls of Residence and University Hostels after due consultation with appropriate Council Committees and other relevant University bodies
  • To advise on students’ publications and ensure that they conform to the highest standards and best practice
  • To advise on the organization and running of sports, games and other kinds of entertainment both at the University and elsewhere
  • To consider annual estimates of income and expenditure for Guild Council, Sports and Games Union for submission to the Finance and Procurement Committee in the manner and form prescribed by Council
  • To advise Council on matters related to religious worship for students
  • To establish career guidance and counseling services for students with respect to financial matters, studies, health and vacation employment
  • To ensure the efficient management and smooth operation of the students health services
  • To establish and coordinate support system for assistance to individual students
  • To investigate and act on students’ disciplinary cases
  • To review regularly, the University Rules and Regulations and to make recommendations to Council
  • To perform any other functions as may be assigned to it by Council


Tenure of Office
The term of office of a member of the Committee shall be four years and he or she shall be eligible for re-election

At least six (6) members of the Committee, three (3) of whom shall not be employees or students of the University shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Student Affairs Committee.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”AUDIT AND RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE”]There shall be an Audit and Risk Management Committee established by Council and shall perform the following functions:


  • To formulate a policy framework for risk management based on the University Vision, Mission and Strategic Plan, as well as best practices
  • To receive and consider internal audit reports and work plans for submission to Council
  • To identify University External Auditors for appointment by Council
  • To receive and consider Annual Audited University Accounts and report to Council
  • To develop and report on risk management policies, procedures, internal control systems, risk management functions and programs, for effective management of risks.
  • To continuously assess and monitor risk management functions, with a focus on risk identification and mitigation strategies
  • To formulate appropriate organizational structures and ensure adequate staff capacity of the Internal Audit Unit
  • To set up monitoring performance management system.
  • To review and make bi-annual recommendations to Council on risk management policies, procedures, and mitigation strategies
  • Such other functions as may be assigned to it by the Council.

The term of office of a member of the Committee shall be four (4) years and he or she shall be eligible for re-election

At least three (3) members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Audit Committee.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”UNIVERSITY STAFF TRIBUNAL”]There shall be a University Staff Tribunal established by Council and shall perform the following functions:

Functions (Section 57)

  • To adjudicate any staff dispute and complaints which cannot be settled administratively to the satisfaction of all parties concerned
  • To confirm, vary, amend or set aside the decision appealed against or give such decision as the case may be
  • Any other function as may be delegated by Council

The University Secretary shall be the secretary to the Tribunal

Tenure of Office
The term of office of a member of the University Staff Tribunal shall be four years and he or she shall be eligible for re-election

At least five (5) members of the Committee, three (3) of whom shall not be employees or students of the University shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the University Staff Tribunal[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”SEARCH COMMITTEE”]This is an Ad Hoc Committee established under Section 31 (3) of the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act. The Committee is normally constituted as and when necessary.

A Search Committee composed of two members from the University Council and three members from the University Senate with the mandate to identify suitable candidates for the post of Vice Chancellor and forward them to the Senate to nominate three candidates for recommendation to the University Council.[/vc_toggle][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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