Office of the University Secretary

Baryantuma Johnson Munono
University Secretary

View Profile

The Office of the University Secretary is established under Section 33 of the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act. The Office Bearer is appointed by the University Council on the recommendation of the Appointments Board. The Office Bearer is responsible for the general administration of the University, including the custody of the seal and administration of its assets. The University Secretary is the Secretary to the University Council and is, the Accounting Officer of the University. In modern-day services, the University Secretary is the Corporate/Company Secretary. The Office of the University Secretary is also responsible for coordinating the provision of legal services to the University. In partnership with outsourced Legal Services, this Office ensures that the University’s legal interests are protected and well represented.

Direct and Indirect Supervision

  • Other Units working directly under the Office of the University Secretary are:
    • Directorate of Human Resources
    • Estates and Works Section
    • The Legal Unit and,
    • The Procurement and Disposal Unit.
  • In performing its duties, the Office of the University Secretary closely works with the University Bursar/Finance Department and supervises the development and execution of the University Budget in line with the relevant laws and regulations.
  • The Office of the University Secretary also works closely with the Office of the Dean of Students in relation to Guild Matters, Students’ welfare and disciplinary matters that have to be considered and approved by the University Council.
  • As part of the procedure and ensuring accountability, the Office of the University Secretary works with the Audit Unit as well.

Duties & Responsibilities

Services, Mandate and Responsibilities under the Office of the University Secretary

Finance and Accountability

  • Directing proper utilisation and accounting for the fiscal resources and other assets of the University.
  • Directing the preparation of the University annual Budget and Work Plans.
  • Managing and administering the human, fiscal and physical resources of the University in accordance with the existing Laws, Policies, Regulations, Guidelines, approved annual Work Plans and Budgets.
  • Under the Public Finance Management Act, the University Secretary as the Accounting Officer is obliged to:
    • Control the regularity and proper use of money appropriated to a vote;
    • Be responsible for authorizing any commitment made by a vote; and
    • Control the resources received, held or disposed of by or on account of a vote.
    • Put in place effective systems of risk management, internal control and internal audit.
    • Enter into an annual budget performance contract with the Secretary to the Treasury which shall bind the Accounting Officer to deliver on the activities in the work plan of the University vote for a financial year.

Administration Services, Policy and Governance

  • Being Secretary to the University Council and its Committees, the Office of the University Secretary provides secretarial services to Council and its Committees, providing guidance to the Vice Chancellor and the Management Team to facilitate Council in decision making and governance.
  • Communicating, interpreting, guiding and providing technical support in the implementation of the University Council Policies and Resolutions.
  • The Office enforces accountability and transparency in the management and delivery of University administrative and financial services in line with existing Law, Policy, Regulations, Guidelines and Council Resolutions.
  • Directs the procurement of University goods and services and disposal of assets in accordance with the appropriate Laws, Policies, Regulations and Guidelines.
  • Promotes linkages between Faculties, Schools, Institutes, Colleges or other Academic bodies, Management, Council, line Ministries and other Stakeholders for effective implementation of University programs, operations and policies and enhancing collaborative networks.
  • Coordinates the provision of legal services and represents the University in cases of civil litigation.
  • Answering audit queries that may arise from the appropriate authorities.
  • Directing administration of security at the University.
  • Ensuring that linkages between internal governance structures and external Stakeholders are promoted and collaborative networks are enhanced.
  • This office also monitors and evaluates the performance of outsourced administrative service providers to the University.


Staff members

Baryantuma Johnson Munono

University Secretary
M.A.PAM (UMI), B.Ed. (MAK), Dip.Ed. (ITEK), Dip.PAM (UMI) View Profile

Tindyebwa Peace Tushabomwe

Deputy University Secretary
M.Ed.(Planning & Administration), B.Ed.(Hons), Dip.Ed, Cert. Admin Law View Profile

Oluga Johnson

Senior Assistant Secretary
MA. HR (Bolton); Dip. LP (LDC), LLB (Mak) View Profile

Tukamuhebwa Pross

Administrative Officer
MPAM (KAB), BSWSA (UCU) View Profile

Jonah Nkimusiimire Natukunda

Assistant Secretary
MSW (UCU); BSWSA (UCU); Dip. Ed (ITEK); Cert. Admin. law View Profile

Esther Kafeete Kirabo

Assistant Secretary

Baijanibera Simon

Assistant Administrative Officer
BSWASA, DSWASA; View Profile

Twinomugisha Boaz

Cert. Uganda Bus Edu.; UCE; Training in Defensive Drivin; Driving Permit Classes; DH DM DL CM B View Profile

Contact Information

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