Studying at Kabale University laid a strong academic foundation for my career in tourism management. I completed both a Diploma in Tourism (2012) and a Bachelor in Tourism (2015), gaining in-depth knowledge and skills in sustainable tourism practices. My education at KAB deepened my appreciation for the diverse cultural and natural heritage that tourism promotes and preserves. The experiences and lessons learned have been invaluable in my role as a Tourism Officer, enabling me to contribute meaningfully to community development and environmental conservation.

Former student at Kabale University (Diploma in Tourism, 2012; Bachelor in Tourism, 2015)

Nshabaruhanga Praise

Tourism Officer, Rukiga District Local Government

Oweek. Charles Peter Mayiga

Katikkiro of Buganda Kingdom

Naava Blessing Joy

BSc. Computer Science II

Atusingwize Prize Annah

Guild Speaker Emeritus (2022-2023)

Doreen Asiimwe

Intern (Jan - Aprl 2024)

Filbert B. Baguma

General Secretary - Uganda National Teachers Union (UNATU)

Kaweesi Patrick

BIT (Class of 2024)