Alex Tumusiime

Lecturer - Child Health

Alex is a child health nurse educator whose research interests are Prematurity, Low
Birth Weight and Influence of Maternal nutrition on Birth outcomes. He holds a Master of
Science in International Child Health of University College London (UK), a Bachelor of
Science in nursing of Makerere University (MuK) and a Diploma in Nursing of Mulago
School of Nursing (UG). Has held positions in clinical and academic areas. From 1992
to 2007, he worked as a clinical nurse and managed to move through clinical nursing
ranks to become a Principal Nursing Officer of the National Referral Hospital. Since
2008 he has held teaching and administrative positions in different universities in
Uganda, Kenya, and Rwanda. He is currently a lecturer of Child Health in the
department of nursing at Kabale University.
Alex was involved in a research study on the Implementation of the Perinatal Death
Surveillance and Response guidelines: Lessons from annual health system
strengthening interventions in the Rwenzori Sub-Region, Western Uganda, and has
supervised a number student research projects.


  • Master of Science in International Child Health – University College London 2009
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing – Makerere University 2000
  • Diploma in Nursing – Mulago School of Nursing and Midwifery 1992

Research Interests

  • Prematurity of the newborn.
  • Low Birth Weight.
  • Maternal nutrition on Birth outcomes.


CN Okafor, U P Okonkwo, K U Ani, E O Onuora, M Nwokike, J T Byabagambi, JBT Munezero, V Mfitumukiza, M C Nwankwo, A Tumusiime . (2024) . Self-Care Practices and the Associated Socio-Demographic Variables of Persons With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2dm) in Southeast, Nigeria . Nutrition and Metabolic Insights, sage journals, [online] Volume 17, pp. 1-12. Available at:


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