Niyonzima Ivan
Assistant Lecturer
- Faculty of Computing, Library and Information Science
- Department of Information Technology
- iniyonzima@kab.ac.ug | nidkmax@gmail.com
- +256783329921
- Ph.D. IT (Student); MIT; PGD EDUC.; BIT
- | Google Scholar | ResearchGate | Academia
Ivan Niyonzima has been working with Kabale University since 2010, first as Computer Laboratory Administrator, and later as an assistant lecturer.
Ivan also acted as the acting Head of the Department of Information Technology and Computer Science from 2017 to 2019.
Ph.D. (IT- Student)
Research Interests
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Ivan Niyonzima, Paul Mukasa Ssemaluulu, Doreen Atukunda, Aureri Akankwasa
. (2023)
. Professional Issues in Software Engineering: The Perspective of Uganda
. International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)
, 09(01), pp. 05-08
Conrad M. Mubaraka and Ivan Niyonzima
. (2019)
. Mobile Enabled Vehicle Tracking System a Case of Long Distance Bus Companies in E. Africa
. IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE), [online] Volume 14(Ser. I (Jan. – Feb. 2019)), pp. 42-48. Available at: http://idr.kab.ac.ug/xmlui/handle/20.500.12493/163
E. Ahishakiye, E. Opiyo, R. Wario and I. Niyonzima
. (2018)
. Developing Countries and Blockchain Technology: Uganda’s Perspective
. International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology , 04(8), pp. 94-99
E. Ahishakiye, D. Taremwa E. Opiyo and I. Niyonzima
. (2017)
. Crime Prediction Using Decision Tree (J48) Classification Algorithm.
. International Journal of Computer and Information Technology, 06(03), pp. 188-195
E. Ahishakiye, E. Opiyo, R. Wario and I. Niyonzima
. (2017)
. A Performance Analysis of Business Intelligence Techniques on Crime Prediction.
. International Journal of Computer and Information Technology , 06(02), pp. 84-90
I. Niyonzima and G. Onyait
. (2016)
. A secure Application for Information sharing in organizations: A case study of Kabale District local Government.
. International Journal of Computer , 21(01), pp. 64-77
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