Department of Tourism Management

Ninsiima Mackline
Head of Department

View Profile

Greetings from the department of tourism management. The department is dedicated to educating students to be professionals who can start their own businesses, grow the tourism industry, and assist economic development. It provides courses with a focus on problem-solving, project-based learning, work-based learning, and opportunities for experiential learning. Students leave the program with the knowledge and abilities needed to manage tourist, leisure, and recreation resources in a way that encourages sustainable tourism. As a result, graduates emerge who can spread the advantages of tourism to nearby regions and create jobs. As a result of community outreach initiatives, improved practical skills of our graduates in the field, promotion of our tourism graduates who have established tour companies, who work with local governments as tourism officers and conservationists in various protected areas, and students being guided by highly skilled staff, the department has seen an increase in applications.

Staff Members

Dr. Christine Ampumuza

Senior Lecturer
PhD Tourism and Conservation (Wageningen), MSc, L. T. E (WUR-WICE), BTOU (MAK) View Profile

Dr. Nuwe John Bosco

Senior Lecturer
PhD-Tourism Economics (MUST), MSc-Tourism Economics (MUK) ,BSc Botany\Zoology) (MUK) View Profile

Nansamba Esther

Assistant Lecturer
MSc. Hospitality & Tourism Mgt; B. Catering and Hotel Mgt; Dip. Hotel & Institutional Catering View Profile

Akarambuzi John Edward

Assistant Lecturer
PhD (Student); MBA Tourism & Hospitality; Bachelor in Tourism mgt View Profile

Tushabe Sylivia Byarugaba

Assistant Lecturer
PhD (student) at Kabale University. MSc. Tourism & Hospitality Management (MAK.) Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (UMI) Bachelor’s Degree in Catering & Hotel Management. (MAK). View Profile

Christopher Paapa

Assistant Lecturer-Hospitality
MSc. TPM (Nkumba University), MSc. EfS (London South Bank University), PGDE-Home Economics (Kyambogo University), BCHM (Makerere University), Dip. HM (ITH, Salzburg- Austria). View Profile

Ninsiima Mackline

Assistant Lecturer - Tourism

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