Rev Prof. Manuel Muranga John Kamugisha
- Institute of Language Studies
- Department of Runyakitara
- jmuranga@kab.ac.ug
- Dr. Phil. “German Literature (Goethe-Institute) German Teacher Training Seminary course, (Goethe Institute University of Munich.) B.A. (Hons.) with Diploma in Educ (Mak).
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PhD in German literature; studies in French and English language literature, with special reference to African authors; research in several language and literature related areas including translation, onomastics, paroemiology, folktales. Mother tongue (Rukiga/Runyankore, inter alia) literature development and teaching and development of the languages.
- B.A., Dip. Ed. (Makerere University);
- Deutschlehrerdiplom (Goethe Institute, Munich, Germany)
- Grosses Deutsches Sprachdiplom (Goethe Institute, Munich, Germany, and Julius Maximillians University, Munich, Germany)
- Dr. phil. (University of Bayreuth, Germany)
Research Interests
- Faux amis (linguistic “false friends”) across Runyakitara and the neighbouring languages.
- Translation from and into English, French, German, and Runyankore/Rukiga
- Onomastics (study of names and naming)
- Lexicology and lexicography (study and creation of vocabularies and dictionaries)
- Development of mother tongue literature in all genres (poetry, prose and pedagogy, including via drama)
- Hymnology (study and creation of hymns, especially Christian)
- Paroemiology (study of proverbs)
Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, Manuel Muranga, Alice Muhoozi, Gilbert Gumoshabe
. (2012)
. Katondoozi ya Runyankore/Rukiga. A Thesaurus of Runyankore/Rukiga. Fountain Publishers.
. Kampala: Fountain Publishers, Kampala, p. 420
Manuel Muranga
. (1997)
. Sprichwoerter aus Uganda im europaeischen Vergleich. Peter Lang Verlag, 1987
. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang Verlag, p. 278
Manuel Muranga
. (1987)
. Grossstadtelend in der deutschen Lyrik zwischen Arno Holz und Johannes R. Becher. Peter Lang Verlag, 1987
. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang Verlag, p. 389
Dr. Johnson Ocan, Dr. Businge Phelix Mbabazi and Prof. M.J. K Muranga
August, 2022 → September, 2023
Bernhard Atuhaire (PI), Manuel Muranga (CoPI), Peter Kanyandago, Misah Natumanya
June, 2022
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- Public Lecture on 6/2/2019 on the topic “Language as an aspect of cultural heritage”.