Prof. Kaaya Siraje
- Faculty of Economics and Management Science
- Department of Business Studies
- Department of Management Science
- skaaya@kab.ac.ug | profkaayas@gmail.com
- 0773396666 | 0706232234
- PhD. Bus. Leadership & Mgt; Ma. Bus. Leadership & Mgt; Ba. Bus. Mgt; Dip. Bus. Studies; UACE; UCE
- | Google Scholar
A Business management & leadership and Business communication full-Professor, with excellent working experience, wide knowledge and practical application of principles: concepts and strategies, methodology in research, business management and a consultant in Business management and finance curricular development for both postgraduate and undergraduate programmes. In addition to that he is also ably good at supervising dissertations and thesis at postgraduate and undergraduate levels. A Permanent Professor of Business Leadership & Management and Coordinator of Higher Degrees, Research and Publications, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences at Kabale University.
Also administratively capable with sufficient working experience; with the recent three years’ experience as recent Deputy Vice Chancellor of UTAB, once a Vice Chancellor of the University of Kigali in Rwanda 2014-2016, then two years’ experience as Vice Chancellor of The East African University (TEAU) Kitengela Nairobi Kenya, then a two years’ experience as the Vice Rector in Charge of Academics – DVCA (ULK) in Rwanda, with lots of vital achievements, then a two years’ experience as a dean, faculty of Economics and Business Studies (ULK) in Rwanda, a four years’ experience at a directorate level of a University language centre (ULK) in Rwanda and fifteen years’ experience in lecturing profession.
Download CVQualifications
- Ph.D. Business leadership & Mgt (MMU)
- Masters Business Leader Ship and Mgt UNISA)
- Bachelor of Business Mgt (MUBS)
- Diploma in Business Studies (NCBS)
- Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE)
- Uganda Certificate of Education (ECE)
Research Interests
- Governance and Management issues
- Business Management Leadership
- Small and Medium Enterprise development
Post graduate Thesis supervised
Impact of Public-Private Partnerships in Health Towards Social-Economic Development. A Case Study of Health Care Delivery in Uganda; Kabale Municipality, August 2019
Workforce Diversity and Performance of Centenary Bank Kabale Branch, June 2020
Analysis of the Effect of Revenue Management on Performance of Local Governments in Uganda: A Case Study of Kabale District Local Government, July, 2019
Leadership Styles and Management of Employee Strikes in Higher Institutions of Learning: A Case Study of Kyambogo University-Uganda, December 2019
Training And Employee Retention In Microfinance Institutionsin Rukungiri District, Uganda , May 2020
Contribution of Time Management as a Tool for Good Productivity in Institutions of Higher Learning. A Case Study Of Kabale University…2014-2018, January 2020
Analysis of Problems and Prospects in Developing Tourism Industry in Kigezi Region South Western Uganda 2014-2019
Role of African Evangelistic Enterprise Rwanda Self-Help Groups Approach for Poverty Reduction. Case Study: Bugesera District, Juru And Rilima Sectors 2011-2015, Kigali, November 2016
Impact of Accountability on Performance of Local Governments in Uganda; A Case of Kabale District Local Government,
i |
December, 2019
Assess the Contribution of Agency Banking to enhance Financial Inclusion in Rwanda. Case Study Bk Agency Banking, Period 2012-2016, 28th November 2016
Impact of Credit Risk Management on the Performance of Microfince Institutions in Rwanda: A Case Study of Umurenge SACCOS operating in Musanze District. 2014-2018, September, 2019
Effective Human Resource Management to Reduce Unemployment Rate in Rwanda, 2018
Effect of HR Induction and Training on Organizational Performance. Case of UNDP/ Rwanda (2015-2019)
Effective Human Resource Management As Tool For Organization Success. Case Study: Ecobank. Period: 2016-2019, July 2020
Role of Human Resource Planing to the Development of Organization in Rwanda. Case Study of University of Technology and Arts Of Byumba – Rwanda (Utab) Period (2015-2018), July 2018
Analyzing the Impact of Account receivables Management on Performance of Financial Institutions. Case Study of the New Times Publications LTD. Period 2014-2016, April 2016
Assessing the Contribution of Human Resource Management to Development of Organization. Case Study: Bralirwa Period 2010- 2016), Kigali, April 2017
Contribution of Saccos in the Development of Investment in Rwanda. A Case Study in Umwalimu SACCO Headquarters 2014 – 2018, Kigali, October,2018
Leadership Styles on Performance of Insurance Company: Case Study of Prime Insurance Company Ltd. January 2018
Umurenge SACCO Program in Financial inclusion in Rwanda, Kigali April, 2018
Contribution of Smes on Poverty Reduction in Rwanda. Case Study: Urwibutso Enterprise. Period: 2014-2017, July 2018
Assessing the contribution of compensation system to the employee performance in an organization. Case study: MINEDUC/STSDP, period 2012-2015
Impact of Commercial Banks in Promotingsmall and Medium Enterprises in Rural areas. Case Study of Bpr Shangi Sub-Branch in Nyamasheke District (2014-2017) December 2017
Factors affecting Implementation of Performance Management Appraisal in Organisations, 16th January 2018
Role of Customer Care to the Performance of Financial Institutions. A Case Study of Bank of Kigali Limited. Period 2013-2017) Kigali, September 2018
Inventory Management and Organizational Performance. Case Study: Nakumatt Supermarket, December, 2015
Contribution of Vision Umurenge progam in Socio-Econonmic Development of vulnerable goup. Case sudy of Nyarusange Sector, Muhanga Disctrict (2015-2017)
Contribution of Human Resources Management to the Financial Performance of Financial Institutions in Rwanda. Case Study of Bank of Kigali Limited.
Period: 2013 – 2017) Kigali, May 2018
Assessing the Role of Electronic Payment in Improving Customer Satisfaction
A Case of Ecobank (2012-2015) Kigali, May 2017
Assessing the Contribution of Human Resource Management to Development of Organization Case Study: Bralirwa Period 2010- 2016) Kigali, August 2017
Assessment of the impact of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) in the Performae of Projects, 2018
Investigation of the impact of Labour turns over in public institutions. Case study of National Unity and reconciliation commission, period 2012-2016
Assessing the role of saving and credit cooperatives on economic empowerment of teachers. Case study of Umwarimu SACCO Rwanda, period 2011-2015.
Assessing the contribution of agency banking in promoting financial inclusion in Rwanda. Case study BK agency banking, period 2012-2016
Monitoring and evaluation of successful domestic BIOGAS programme, implemented in Rwanda. Case study of HUYE, NYANZA and NYANAGABE districts, period 2011-2015
Analyzing the contribution and challenges of HRP in private companies. BTC Beligium development Agency Period 2010-2015
Effect of Employee Retention on Employee Performance in Insurance Companies In Rwanda: A Case Study of Soras Insurance Company ,2016
Assessing the Contribution of Realistic Performance Appraisals on the Performance of a Company. A Case Study of Trinity Bus Express, 2015
Role of Public Procurement Authority (Rppa) in Promoting Procurement Policies in Government Institutions. Case Study: Rwanda Development Board (Rdb) 2015
Analysing the effect of employee Training and Development on the Organisational Performance. A Case of Ministry of Public service and Labour (Mifotra) Period, 2016
Contribution of Kigali in Socio and economic transformation of Rwanda population. Case study of BK Nyarugenge, 2016
Contribution of financial institutions in promoting small and medium Enterprises in Rwanda- Case study BPR period 2013-2015)
Role of micro finance Institutions to the socio economic development of its beneficiaries. Case study of URWEGO Opportunity Bank – Rwanda , period 2013-2015
Impact of centralized purchasing on org performance in Rwanda. Case study of RDB period 2013-2015
Contribution of customer care services to the performance of private Institutions. A case study of bralirwa s.a period of 2012-2014
Assessment of Challenges faced Electronic Banking within Bpr Apart of Atlas Mara. A case Study: Bpr Part Of Atlas Mara Period 2012-2014
Role of taxation in developing countries. Case study of Rwanda – RRA period 2013-2015.
Analysis of supplier selection system on procurement efficiency in private organizations. Case study of SONARWA period 2014-2016)
Assess the impact of SMEs in developing low income earners in Rwanda. Case study Business Development Fund=BDF period 2013-2015
Role of saving & credit cooperatives to the poverty reduction on their clients; Case study of umurenge SACCO period 2014-2016
An analysis of the role of pricing in the marketing of consumer products and services in Rwanda. Case study of Rwandair period 2013-2015)
Analysis of the contribution of electronic banking to customer satisfaction in financial institutions. Case study of Equity bank in Kli period 2013-2015)
Analysis of the effect of advertising on customer perception and altitude in manufacturing companies in Rwanda. Case study of BRALIRWA LTD, period 2014-2016
Analysis of Loans management to the profitability of Banking Institutions. Case study of Crane Bank Rwanda, period 2014-2016
Contribution of marketing to the company customer satisfaction on Rwanda. Case study of Safintra Rwanda ltd, period 2013-2015
Role of microfinance institutions to the socio-economic development of Women in urban area in Rwanda. Case study of Copedu main Branch in Kigali period 2013-2015
Analysis of the impact of foreign investments to the growth of financial institution. Case study of Bank of Kigali Period 2013-2015
Impact of timely services delivery to the performance of Insurance companies. Case study of PRIME INSURANCE Rwanda- period 2014-2016
Analysis of the role of small scale businesses on economic development of Rwanda. Case study of SAWACT supermarket, period 2014-2016
Impact of microfinance institutions in Rwanda. Case study of Umurenge SACCO Icyerekezo-Mushishiro Period 2012-2015
Assessment of Challenges faced Electronic Banking within Bpr Aprt of Atlas Mara: Case Study: Bpr Part of Atlas Mara Period 2012-2014
Impact of Home Grown Initiatives to social economic development of beneficiaries’ case study of Girinka Program in Karongi District 2011-2015
Contribution of agricultural cooperatives to small holder farmers’ household income; a case of musanze pyrethrum cooperatives (abakundibireti, abakundumurimo and jyambere), period of 2011-2015
Analysis of the impact of effective communication to appropriate management in business projects. A case of Urwego opportunity Bank (Where Kigali or Musanze) period 2012-2016 (Approved) (Completed)
Analysis of the performance contract as a tool for addressing key Government priorities in Rwanda. Case Study of Burera District. Period 2012-2016
Analysis of the Impact of Credit Management on the Performance of Financial Institutions (Case Study Umutuzo SACCO Musanze District Period 2012-2015)
Impact of Government Programs on the Socio Economic Development Rwandan Population. (Case Study Of Umurenge Vision 2020 In Shyira Sector, Nyabihu District) Period 2012-2015
Assessment of effectiveness of automated credit scoring in financial institutions: case study of BPR part of Atlas Mara Musanze Branch. (2011-2015)
Analysis on the impact of Sales promotion and advertising on increment of customers’ purchases in Companies, 2016
Analysis of challenges in implementation of Government programs in the districts of Rwanda. Case study of Umurenge vision 2020 in Musanze District 2012-2016.
Assessing the Contribution of Microfinance Institutions towards the Socio-economic empowerment of women in Rwanda. Case Study: Microfinance Institutions in Gasabo District, 2017
Remuneration and Employee performance. A case study of National Population Council Uganda 15-2019
Analysis of the Effect of Revenue Management on Performance of Local Governments in Uganda: A Case Stuidy Of Kabale District Local Government 2013-2018
Career Development and Organisational success in Public Institutions: A Case Study of Kisoro District Local Government (2016-2019) (On going)
Impact of Effective Marketing to Business Profitability of Commercial Banks. A Case Study of Cogebanque Plc In Rwanda, (2016 – 2018) (On going)
Effectiveness of anti- corruption initiatives in rwanda: a trend for economic growth , period: 2005-2014);
Role of African Evangelistic Enterprise Rwanda Self-Help Groups Approach for Poverty Reduction. Case Study: Bugesera District, Juru and Rilima Sectors 2011-2015
Causes, trends and effects of labour turnover in public sector organizations: kinyinya helth centre as a case study, period (2010 up to 2013)”
Contribution of training and development on the performance improvement of local organisations in Rwanda case of Gicumbi district period: 2006-2012;
Assessment of human resource management policies on the performance of financial institutions. (a case study of savings and credit cooperatives institutions, saccos in rwanda 2009-2014);
Impact of promotion and demotion on employees motivation. case study of rwanda revenue authority (2006-2013);
Impact of employees’ motivation on organization performance. Case study: rra (rwanda revenue authority) 2010-2013;
Assessment of customer service delivery in rwanda life assurance industry: the case of sonarwa life (period of five years. 2009 up to 2014)
Impact of staff training on the performance public institutions; case of rubavu district.
Effects of motivation on employee performance: a case study of umwalimu savings and credit cooperative (umwalimu sacco.)(2009-2013)
Analysis of good packaging design as a marketing tool of attracting customers in beverage industry in Rwanda.case study: inyange industries ltd;
Effect of acquisition of qualified human resource on organization performance. Case of ulk (2009-2013)
Assessing The Contribution Of Microfinance Institutions Towards The Socioeconomic Empowerment Of Women In Rwanda. Case Study: Microfinance Institutions In Gasabo District
Investigation of the impact of Labour turns over in public institutions. Case study of National Unity and reconciliation commission, period 2012-2016
Assessing the role of saving and credit cooperatives on economic empowerment of teachers. Case study of Umwarimu SACCO Rwanda, period 2011-2015.
Assessing the contribution of agency banking in promoting financial inclusion in Rwanda. Case study BK agency banking, period 2012-2016
Monitoring and evaluation of successful domestic BIOGAS programme, implemented in Rwanda. Case study of HUYE, NYANZA and NYANAGABE districts, period 2011-2015
Analyzing the contribution and challenges of HRP in private companies. BTC Beligiun development Agency Period 2010-2015
Motivation as a driving factor towards employee and customer retention in business organisations. Case study of SORAS.
Assessing the contribution of the realistic performance appraisal to the improved performance of a company.
Role Of Public Procurement Authority (Rppa) In Promoting Procurement Policies In Government Institutions; Case Study: Rwanda Development Board (RDB)
Analysis of the performance contract as a tool for addressing key Government priorities in Rwanda. Case Study of Burera District Period 2012-2016
Analysis of the impact of effective communication to appropriate management in business projects. A case of Urwego opportunity Bank (Where Kigali or Musanze) period 2012-2016 (Approved)
Analysis Of The Impact Of Credit Management On The Performance Of Financial Institutions ( Case Study Umutuzo Sacco Musanze District Period 2012-2015)
Analysis on the impact of Sales promotion and advertising on increment of customers’ purchases in Companies.
Impact Of Government Programs On The Socio Economic Development Rwandan Population. ( Case Study Of Umurenge Vision 2020 In Shyira Sector, Nyabihu District) Period 2012-2015
Analysis Of Challenges In Implementation Of Government Programs In The Districts Of Rwanda. Case Study Of Umurenge Vision 2020 In Musanze District 2012-2016.
Impact Of Effective Communication To Successful Performance Of Business Organisations.,Period 2012-2016.
Assessment of effectiveness of automated credit scoring in financial institutions: case study of BPR part of Atlas Mara Musanze Branch. (2011-2015)
Assessing the effect of scheduling, tracking and monitoring of constructuion project’s progress from the start to the end.
Analysis Of The Key Performance Indicators of a Project in Relation to the most important elements in Project Management. Case Study: Usaid Higa Ubeho Project2013-2015
Assessment of the contribution of Organisation Change and Development to the growth of commercial Banks, Case study, Bank of Kigali Ltd for a period from 2012 to 2016
Investigating the role of employee training and development on the increasing organizational performance. Case study of RSSB 2013-2015
Contribution of employees’ motivation to the performance of KALISIMBI Restaurant period 2013-2015
Determinants of sustainability of health donor funded projects to the wellbeing of people. Case study of SPIU ministry of health 2012-2015.
Role of AEE-Rwanda Self Help Group Approach for Poverty Reduction in Bugesera District, Case study: Rilima and Juru Sector”. Period 2012-2015
Trainings, Conferences and seminars Attended;
Presented a paper titled: Backyard Gardening and Community Livelihood in Kyengera Town Council, in the 5th International Conference on Sustainability of Innovative Practices amidst Covid – 19 Pandemic at Rafiki Dodoma Hotel, Dodoma, Tanzania October 27 – 28, 2021
A training on how to mark online exams this Thursday 29-7-2021 starting at 10:00am, Kabale University.
WORKSHOP TRAINING on Grant writing – Wednesday 13th July 2021, Kabale University
Journal of Research Innovation and implication in Education virtual workshop 28th – 29th July 2021. Theme: Power point preparation and presentation.
Presented a paper(s) in the 4th International Conference on Addressing Sustainable Development through Research and Innovative Practices at Grand Global Hotel Kampala, Uganda April 28-29, 2021: (Certificate of Participation) Factors influencing highway road accidents in Uganda: A case study of Kampala-Masaka highway
Inaugural lecturer on: Governance and Leadership –wrappers of constitutional democracy; by Prof. Benon C Basheka at Kabale University. (19th February 2020)
2nd Conference by ERASMUS+ ; cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices: Capacity Building in higher education –Joint projects (INES Musanze Rwanda 17th February 2020)
workshop for Integration of CABI/Plantwise Programme into UTAB Rwanda Curriculum of FAEMRE and Validation of its Review UTAB, 12 – 13 December 2019
Validation Workshop for University of Technology and Arts of Byumba (Rwanda); Master Of Science In Urban Management And Development Studies (Umds) And Advanced Diploma Programs; Avenue: Iwawe Hotel, Date: 12/02/2019
9th Annual International Leadership Conference– Economic Development: Does Governance matter? , 18-21st June 2019, organized by Makerere University Business School (MUBS)
The awareness of intellectual property rights. 9th May 2019 offered by RDB
Intellectual property and innovation in Universities and Research & Development institutions, 24th June 2019 offered by the World Intellectual Property Organization
Intellectual property and its importance 25th June 2019 offered by the World Intellectual Property Organization
Implementation of competence Based Curriculum, 8th May 2019 by University of Technology and Arts of Byumba
The role of Tax in promoting the development of a country. 20th February 2019 and offered by RRA
Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) conference: VLIR-OUS
Research Platform Uganda Dissemination Conference: 1ST JUNE, 2017 AT KIHUMURO CAMPUS
Kigali convention center Kigali Rwanda: 5th – 6th July 2017: conference on The Sustainable Development Goals Center for Africa
Nairobi Kenya; 28th -29th October 2013 : Workshop on regulations, standards & guidelines for University education; (Commission for University Education Kenya)
Mombasa Kenya; 10th – 11th December 2013: KENET heads of Institutions Forum at Serena Hotel Mombasa;
Nairobi Kenya at Kenyatta international convention centre (KICC); 11th July 2014: Harmonisation of appointment & promotion criteria for academia staff members;
The 8th Atlas Africa Conference in Kigali Rwanda at KIST; 2013
The 4th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, which was held in Istanbul Turkey from 9th May -13th May, 2011.
School of Finance and Banking Kigali Rwanda; February, 2011: Private- Public Partnership {PPP} (International and Global conference)
Khartoum Sudan; May, 2010; Project Communication and Reporting& Operational Planning
Cairo, Egypt, 25th April, 2010 to 6th May, 2010; Need Assessment, Project Identification and Preparation of Development Plan.
Addis Ababa Ethiopia; March, 2010; Project supervision and Control Management
American Embassy Kigali, Rwanda; February, 2004, Teaching Training for Academic and Business Purposes.
American Embassy Kigali, Rwanda; 2000, Teaching Training for Academic and Business Purposes
More Information
The ladder to Professorship
2.1 Act of Academic Promotion to Full Professor
The chairperson of the Board of Trustees of The East African University (TEAU) Kitengela Nairobi Kenya, considering decisions: Considering the decision of MARCH 8/BD/03/025 of 31st May 2013
Considering the law No. 192(act No. 42) of 13th December, 2012 bearing the Organisation and functioning of the University Education in Kenya, in its articles 20 (1) section (e) paragraph 5;
Considering the Internal regulations of the Board of Directors of (TEAU)
Considering the internal regulations of The East African University (TEAU) especially in its articles VI – 8ii. Considering the provisions governing the nomination and the promotion of the permanent teaching staff. I attained the Academic Rank of Full Professor.
2.2 Act of Academic Promotion to Associate Professor
The chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Kigali Independent University (ULK), considering decisions:
DEC25/BD/07/012 of July 18th 2012, the law no. 5/2005 of October 20th 2005, bearing the organisation and functioning of Higher education in Rwanda in its Articles 60 and 46 paragraph 6 and 7; the internal regulations of the Kigali Independent University (ULK) especially chapter 42 paragraph 6; the provisions governing the nomination and the promotion of lecturers, I was promoted to the academic qualification of Associate Professor on 18th July, 2012.
2.3 Acte De Nomination Senior Lecturer (22/11/2007)
Basing on law no. 5of 01/03/2006 governing the functioning of higher education, Article 60 and Article 46, related to Article 6 & 7;
According to the internal regulations of the ULK article 12, related to article 6,
I was promoted to the rank of senior lecturer, and the promotion and nomination letter was signed by the chairperson Board of Directors of the ULK on 22/11/2007.
Working Experience
Professor of Business Leadership and Management at Kabale University (Appointed on 1st April 2019 to-date)
With administration, I have held various administrative positions, among which include:
- i) Deputy vice Chancellor of University of Technology and Arts of Byumba, 2017 to May 2019.
ii, Vice Chancellor of the University of Kigali (UOK), September 2014 to 2016
iii, Vice Chancellor of The East African University, Nairobi Kenya (TEAU), February 2013 to August 2014.
iv, Interim Ag. Vice Chancellor, Kampala University Uganda, July to September 2013.
v, Deputy Vice Chancellor Kigali Independent University, (from March 2011 up to early 2013).
vi, Dean Faculty of Management (Faculty of Economics and Business Studies) Kigali Independent University from 2009 to early 2011)
In March 2011, I was appointed by the President and Founder of the Kigali Independent University to the position of Vice Rector Academics.
During my term of office, I carried out research, bench marking and investigations on how to start masters’ programmes at the Kigali Independent University. I was the leader of the team that travelled around the East African Universities in order to get clear knowledge on how to start standard masters’ programmes at the Kigali Independent University.
I also worked on and chaired the team that successfully developed the nine masters’ programmes with their curricular. I was also part of the team which successfully defended those nine masters’ programmes at the Ministry of Education.
The nine masters’ programmes with their respective curricular were approved by the ministry of Education which also authorised the University to officially start the programmes on 13/7/2012.
The masters’ programmes started in September, 2012.
vi, Dean Faculty of Management (Faculty of Economics and Business Studies) from 2009 to early 2011)
I was elected to the post of the Dean of the Management (Faculty of Economics and Business Studies) at Kigali Independent University (ULK) in 2009. During my term of office, in 2010 I fully worked on and chaired the team which developed the new curricular for the two new departments of; Finance and that of Accounting.
I was also the chairperson of the team that successfully defended the two new programmes at the Rwanda Ministry of Education; National Council of Higher Education (NCHE).
The two new departments of Finance and that of Accounting with their curricular were officially approved by the Rwanda Ministry of Education on March 2011.
vii, Director of CELA (ULK language centre) 2000- early 2005 (Kigali)
I was appointed Director of the Kigali Independent University from 2000 up to early 2005, during my term of office, I contributed a lot to the development of the standard English curricular; level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.
Excellence and hard work
Regarding work, commitment and good performance for the University, I have showed diligence at performing my duties and as results, promotions have been awarded to me in regular sequences, as indicated in point 4.1 and letters of merit were awarded to me as follows;
Ten appointments/promotions;
- Director Language center ULK 2000- early 2005,
- Dean Faculty of Economics and Business Studies ULK 2009- March 2011,
- Vice Rector Academics ULK 2011- early 2013.
- Vice Chancellor of The East African University (TEAU), February 2013 up words
- Interim Ag. Vice Chancellor, Kampala University Uganda, July to September 2013
- Secretary and member of the University council of The East African University;
- Vice Chancellor, University of Kigali 2014 to date February 2016;
- Deputy Vice Chancellor, University of Technology and Arts of Byumba January 2017 to date
- HEC Chairman University audit committee September 2015;
- HEC Curricular Valuator (MBA programmes) 2015;
- Kabale University as Professor of Business Leadership & Management, Department of Business studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences 2019
- Senate representative Faculty of Arts & Social sciences academic staff, 2019
- Deputy Chairperson Kabale University Resource mobilization committee, 2019
Letters of Merit
On 16th October, 2011, a letter of merit was awarded to me by the University (ULK) Rwanda in appreciation of my active participation and commitment in preparations of the nine masters’ programmes.
On 6th January, 2010, a letter of merit was awarded to me by the University (ULK) Rwanda in appreciation of my commitment in preparing the English communication curricular.
(Erasmus + KA2-cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education): Title: Enhancement of Rwandan high education in strategic fields for sustainable growth/ EnRHEd (2019)
Title: Improving rural women livelihood and food security in Byumba sector. 2017
On effect of deforestation on soil conservation in East Africa, (In collaboration with Mbarara University of Science and Technology) 2017
On Modular system of teaching, curriculum writing and development at Kampala University, 2014
University Charter writing and Governance 2013-2014 in Nairobi Kenya
- Since my appointment as the Vice Chancellor of University of Kigali, the University has been growing steadily with increased numbers in the enrolment of students’ undertaking different courses within the undergraduate programs offered by different faculties, mainly the faculty of Business Management and Economics, the Faculty of Law and the faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology.
- With practical achievements registered within the shortest time, the Government of Rwanda through the Ministry of Education has approved and authorized the University of Kigali to start fourteen (14) master’s programs, of which some are now already operational at the Kigali main campus and also at Musanze campus in northern Rwanda.
SELF- EVALUATION VC’S OFFICE FROM SEPTEMBER 2014, TO DATE AT UNIVERSITY OF KIGALI | – By the end of October 2014, 10 undergraduate programmes were fully developed from Level 1- Level 5;
– Submitted to HEC: Were approved.
1. University policies were completed and signed. | – Policies are in use and more are being developed | |
2. Examination office was created, staffed and now fully operational;– A software has been installed to speed up the result slips process, | – Students started getting results slips which was not there before, | |
3. Teaching staff standardized:-Teaching load normalised;
-Part time lecturers payments (rates revised to normal) |
– More PhD holders were brought in; other lecturers were also recruited on full time basis;– I normalised the number of teaching hours per week
– I revised the payments per hour for part time teaching staff; – PhD holders from net 15000 rwf per hour to gross 12000 rwf per hour; – Master holders from gross 12000 rwf per hour to gross 9000 rwf, – – (This exercise cut the costs to approximately 40-45% of the expenses which were being incurred.)
4. UoK Head-quarters successfully shifted from Kicukiro to Kacyiru prester house | -cutting down double cost/ Expenditures on rent which was being incurred. | |
5. Library- e_books were installed into UoK Library | – Close to 50,000 e-books were bought and installed within the UoK computer labs. | |
6. Deans of faculties were appointed ( PHD holders) | – Dean faculty of Business Management and Economics;– Dean faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology | |
7. Masters programmes 13-Master of education management, 1
-PGDE 1 |
– 14 Masters programmes were re-worked up on, re-submitted to HEC, validated and 13 of them were approved,– Of recent, Master of education management and Post graduate diploma in education were validated and approved | |
8. UoK Musanze campus has been opened. | After a successful HEC audit;PGDE programme is ongoing now, | |
9. Post graduate school was opened in April 2015 | 13 masters programmes were approved | |
10. UoK has been admitted to the IUCA as full member. | – UoK is now a full member of the Inter University council of East Africa.– UOK recognized in the region, | |
11. Daily Activities. | – Discipline of staff has improved;– Late coming and absenteeism reduced drastically;
– Non complaint punished severely;
12. Continuous senior management meetings are in place. | – Every Monadys to decide on the developments of the University, | |
13. Good communication within the University. | – Good working relation among employees and the employers, | |
14. The 1st UoK scientific research journal formal Volume 1 has been published. | – The second volume is underway | |
15. HEC audit: | – A successful HEC audit has been achieved.– Three more new programmes have been approved by the Ministry of Education. | |
16. A number of vacant directorates have been filled with staff | – DPPR– D-Marketing
– Dean postgraduate school. |
17. Some specializations with insufficient number of students were merged | – Brought about cutting down the costs in terms; teaching hours paid, materials used while offering courses in such classes, etc | |
18. My teaching load is 8 hours per week | – I teach post graduate classes and under graduate, Evenings and weekends. This is a sign of working hard towards the success of the University | |
19. Students number | – The number of students is increasing steadily (From 1118 – 4000 students in just one year of my tenure) | |
General comment:
– The University now has a named University council member; – The University has a Chancellor;
From the above revelation, it clearly shows that I know what I came for. I work from morning 8.00 am to 9.00 pm in the evening and on weekends which is a sign of self-motivation and love for the growth of this University |
Achievements· Establishment of a learning center in musanze district “Musanze town”
v Submission of New curricular which are: · curriculum of post graduate diploma in education (PGDE) · Master’s in Education Management · Bachelor of Education; · Post graduate school successfully started. · Examination office created Education systems at UoK · Increased number of full-time lecturers. (reduced number of part timers) Evaluations of lecturers Exams moderations & Invigilation Standard Examinations. Normalised number of teaching hours (teaching load) -Quick book software installed; -Shifting from Kicukiro to Kacyiru; -increased number of students from 1180 to 4000 . Acquisition of electronic books (over 50, 000 books).
3. Press conference- Launch of Masters programmes, school of post graduate studies and the centre for Economic Governance and Leadership. | Tuesday 31st Mach, 2015At the school of post Graduate studies- Kacyiru campus The university of Kigali was invited to a press conference for the Launch of:
· Masters programmes · School of post Graduate studies · The Centre for Economic Governance and Leadership. |
b) Commencement of masters programmes | Masters students sat for two exams on the dates indicated below.1. Business organization and management -weekend June 27th 2015
2. Network security (MIT) -weekend -June 21st 2015 Lectures of other modules continue normally. |
5. Admission to the Inter-University council for East Africa (IUCEA)6th July, 2015
6th July, 2015The University of Kigali received an admission letter to the Inter- University Council membership as a full Member with immediate effect. In order to confirm our membership, The University will be required to pay an annual membership subscription fee based on the total number of students enrolled therein. |
DATE: SEPTEMBER 2013-August 2014
- Achievements
- Developed the draft Charter of TEAU in line with Commission for University Education of Kenya;
- Developed University statutes of TEAU;
- Developed the English curricular levels 1,2, and 3 for English learners;
- The East African University Scientific Research Journal Issue No. 1 has been published and the second issue is underway;
- Brought about good working relations with Commission for University Education and as thus various progressive reports have been sent to the Commission for University Education (CUE), letters of acknowledgements, encouragements and appreciation have been received from CUE;
- The number of new students at the main campus is increasing;
- I came up with quality control forms which have really improved the quality of service delivery to our students;
- The new system of teaching is picking up steadily and lecturers have started embracing it, and we hope to organize examinations after every completion of at least three Units on the request of students and lecturers;
- Four new programmes are almost ready for submission to CUE for accreditation, they include; Bachelor Education with special needs, Bachelor of Early Child hood and Development Education, Bachelor of sports science Education and Bachelor of Environment Management;
- Marketing is being handled as a priority and I am the chief marketer, we hope to attract more students as we move along;
- The University Magazine first issue was published in May 2013 and issue No. 2 is being prepared;
- I have linked our University to as many Institutions of higher learning as possible in terms of signing MOUs;
- The cafeteria is now self-sustaining to an extent that it pays the salaries of its workers;
- The mode of fees payment has been changed; every student is obliged to initially pay at least 50%;
- A number of students who were not paying tuition fees for close to two years were discovered;
- We started banking the cafeteria sales on its account weekly, and money for cafeteria worker’s salaries and shopping for cafeteria was being withdrawn from this account;
- A new employee Ass. Accountant was recruited to help me in the accounts section;
- Miriam Mwangi was transferred from the city center campus as an administrative assistant to the main