Kamugisha Edward Ssajjabbi is an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Applied Design and Fine Art. He holds a Master’s Degree in Art and Industrial Design of Kyambogo University, and a Bachelor of Education of Uganda Christian University. He also holds a Diploma in Education. His specialty is in Oil, Watercolor and Acrylic Painting. He has exhibited and sold his Artworks in the USA, and his home country Uganda. He has also attended the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) exhibitions at Lugogo Show Grounds in Kampala and also in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Edward has recently attended the 8th Beijing International Art Biennale and was the only Ugandan representative Artist whose work ended up being selected among other artists’ works which were published in the event’s Exhibition Catalogue.


PhD Student Kyambogo University Currently, Master of Art and Industrial Design of Kyambogo University (2018), Bachelor of Education of Uganda Christion University (BBUC) 2013, Diploma of Education of National Teachers College Kabale 1995.

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