My name is Kabagambe Edward, a Teaching Assistant-Mechanical Department at Kabale university, Faculty of Engineering, Applied Design and Fine Art. I graduated with a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Kabale university in June 2023. I am passionate about Strength/Mechanics of materials, Foundry practices and, Computer Aided Design and Analysis.

I am also a Rugby Match Official L2 certified by World Rugby working under the Uganda Rugby Union.


Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, KIU western campus (Student)

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (KAB).

Research Interests

  1. Mechanics of Strength.
  2. Foundry Practices.
  3. Welding and Fabrication.
  4. Computer Aided Design
  5. Computer Aided Engineering.
  6.  Thermodynamics.



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More Information

  1. Rugby match Official L2 certified by World Rugby.
  2. Rugby coach L1 certified by World Rugby.
  3. Rugby S and C coach L1 certified by World Rugby.
  4. Sports Administrator certified by International Olympic Committee.


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