Dr. Oketch Chrisostom
- Department of Governance
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- coketch@kab.ac.ug | chrisostomoketch@gmail.com
- 0784277186 | 07030201402
- PhD. Public Manag't & Admin.; Ma. Public Admin.; Ma. HRM; Ba. Public Admin.
- KAB IDR | Google Scholar | ResearchGate | Academia | ORCID
Dr. Chrisostom Oketch is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Department of Governance. He obtained his PhD in Public Management (specializing in Public Administration) in 2012 from Kampala International University. From 2007 he started his academic career as a Teaching Assistant from Kampala International University and joined Kabale University in July 2019. He has also taught in Uganda Management Institute as an Associate Consultant in public administration and governance.
He is also a visiting lecturer at Kigali Independent University. He has made a number of contributions in academia through teaching, research, and community outreach programs that are key to the pillars that academic institutions stand for. His research interests are in areas of Decentralization and local governance, social service delivery in developing countries, corruption and accountability in the public sector, civil society and anti corruption efforts, monitoring and evaluation of government programs, resource mobilization strategies, contemporary social problems, among others.
Download CVQualifications
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), Public Management and Administration, Kampala International University – 2012
- Masters in Public Administration, Uganda Management Institute – 2018
- Masters in Human Resource Management, Kampala International University – 2008
- Bachelors in Public Administration, Kampala International University – 2005.
Research Interests
Decentralization and local governance
Social service delivery in developing countries
Accountability and citizen participation in development programs
Monitoring and evaluation of government programs
Resource mobilization strategies
Contemporary social problems
- Oketch, C. (2019). Directive Leadership Style and Staff Motivation in Private Universities in Uganda: Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Governance and Service Delivery in Developing Economies: Uganda Management Institute (22nd – 26th October).
- Oketch, C. (2010). Training of Trainers workshop for the millennium development goals capacity building project held at Uganda Management Institute 19th and 20th October 2010.
- Oketch, C. et al (2009). Behavior in Organizations: Perspective at Group Level held on 8th May, at SPMH, 1ST floor, Main Building, KIU Main Campus Kampala City, Uganda.
- Oketch, C. et al (2009). Experienced Based Learning (Reporting through Overhead Projection, Case Reporting, Group Dynamics Debate) of the Factors affecting behavior at the organizational level” held on May 15, 2009, Room of SPMH,1st floor, Main Campus Kampala City, Uganda.
- Oketch, C. et al (2009). Seminar Update held on February 6, 7, and 10, 2012 at KIU Kampala Uganda.