Dr. Ocan Johnson
- Institute of Language Studies
- Department of English Language
- jocan@kab.ac.ug | ocanjohnson@yahoo.com
- +256772068010
- Ph.D. (Literature in English) MA (TESOL), BA (Hons.).Lit/CSK
- KAB IDR | Google Scholar | ResearchGate | Academia | ORCID
I began working as a Lecturer of African Literature and Culture at Kabale University in 2019.In 2022 I was promoted to the rank of a senior lecturer of comparative literature and a coordinator of the MA Literature program (MLT). Prior to that, I taught at Uganda’s Busitema University since 2017. Before to that, I worked as a lecturer at Bradford University in the United Kingdom.
I earned a PhD in English Literature from the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom in 2010. My research interest and areas of teaching are; Literary theory and postcolonial literatures; Literature of the black diaspora, Literature and Gender; and African Oral Literature, Acholi Folklore and Indigenous Knowledge, queer romantic literature and theories as well as poetry and poetics. My current research focuses on the Folklore of the Acholi tribe of northern Uganda; and the digitization of Acholi folktales, proverbs and short stories. The link to my public record can be accessed on: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2577-6780. My latest publications can be accessed through the following major academic indexing websites: https://google.scholar.com; https://www.researchgate.net https://www.semanticscholar.org//https://idr.kab.ac.ug/browse?type=author&value=Johnson%2C+Ocan //https://publons.co/in/researcher ID AIE-5874-2022//www.academia.edu
I welcome MA/Mphil and PhD supervisees who are interested in comparative literature and cultures, as well as those who are interested in the relationship between post-independence African literary orthodoxies.
- Ph.D. (Literature in English) University of Birmingham, UK, 2010.
- MA (TESOL) University of Leeds, U.K, 2005
- BA (Hons.) Upper Second Class Makerere University Kampala 1999, Lit & CSK
Research Interests
- African Literature and Literature of African diaspora.
- Children’s Literature
- Creative writing
- Literary criticism
- Queer romantic Literature
- Comparative Literature
- 2022: Mucunguzi Innocent: Effects of psychological stress on employee performance; A case f Higher Institutions of learning in Kabale and Gulu District, PhD
- 2022: Kwesiga Gerald; Managing Wetland evictions for the sustainability of projects established by cooperative socities in Grater Kabale, PhD
- 2021: Alice Jossy Kyobutungi: Representations of the Young adult in the fiction of selected Ugandan women writers. PhD
- 2021: Natukunda Jesca: Instructional Materials and pupils’ performance in English in selected Primary schools in Katuna Town Council, Kabale District.MA
- 2021: Nalule Hadijah: Examining the Influence of Covid-19 pandemic on female students’ education in secondary schools in Kisoro Municipality.MA
- Niwabine Violah (2021) Superstitious Beliefs and Happiness in Uganda; A case of Young Adults in Bushenyi District in Ankole.(MA)
- Ashimwe Racheal (2021) The significance of Proverbs in the Development of Cultural values among the Bafumbira Society in Kisoro District in Uganda.(MA)
- Muhanguzi Amos (2021) The Effectiveness of Diction in Contemporary Poetry in Uganda; A case of “Building The Nation”, by H. Barlow. (MA)
- Ariho Isaac (2021) The Role of Blood Pact in the Development of Oral Literature in Uganda: A case of “The Curse of The sacred Cow”. (MA)
- 2022: Kabuya Allen Lydia, “Impact of Teaching Lumasaaba on Learners’ Performance in English Writing Skills in Lower Primary, Mbale City, Uganda” Award of the degree of Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics of the Islamic University in Uganda. (MA)
- 2022: Kitimoi Anne,“Lexical Borrowing of Nouns in Ateso Language Word Stock; A case Study of Ngora District, Eastern Uganda” the degree of Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics of the Islamic University in Uganda.(MA)
- 2022:Kipchumba Martin, “Correlating Students’ Written English Language Proficiency With Academic Performance at Ordinary Level in Arts Subjects in Uganda: A case of Mbale City” the award of the degree of Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics of the Islamic University in Uganda.(MA)
- 2022:Nakheya Stella Esther, “The Influence of Lubuuya and Ludadiri Dialectal Differences on Communication in Bugisu, Eastern Uganda” the award of the degree of Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics of the Islamic University in Uganda.(MA)
- 2022: Wakoko Taibu, “The Effect of Advertising Language on Consumer Perceptions of Beauty Products in Uganda: A Case Study of Movit Beauty Products.” the award of the degree of Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics of the Islamic University in Uganda. (MA)
- 2021:Natukunda Jesca: Instructional Materials and pupils’ performance in English in selected Primary schools in Katuna Town Council, Kabale District.MA)
- 2021: Nalule Hadijah: Examining the Influence of Covid-19 pandemic on female students’ education in secondary schools in Kisoro Municipality.(MA)
- 2021: Rugumambaju Vicent: Challenges of using Instructional Materials in the Teaching of Mathematics in secondary Schools in Rukungiri Municipality. (MA)
- 2021: Tekali Jane Alupo: Effect of Task based teaching and learning on pupils’ academic performance in English in selected schools in industrial division of Mbale City. (MA)
- 2021: Njunwoha Laborn: Depictions of Human trafficking in selected African novels. (MA)
- Role of supervisors and students in the supervision process PhD research supervisors’ workshop for the SOPAM staff of Mzumbe University-Tanzania held on 10th February 2022, virtually
- Curriculum for Master of Arts Degree in Literature of Kabale University, December, 2020.
- Curriculum for Master of Arts in Translation and Creative Writing of Kabale University, January, 2021.
- Figurative thought and the teaching of languages for specific purposes. Invited keynote speech, Makerere University school of Education, March 2004.
- The use of metaphor in three university lectures (With Almut Koester and Graham Low) Paper presented at the BAAL CUP Workshop on listening, Warwick University, May, 2006.
- Figurative thinking and foreign language learning: Metaphor and metonymy in institutional discourse. Invited plenary lecture given at the LAUD symposium on Cognitive Approaches to Second/Foreign Language Processing: Theory and Pedagogy, Landau, Germany, March 2008.
More Information
I am the convener of the following courses:
- ENG 9103: Scholarly writing (PhD)
- LIT 7103: Advanced Literary Theory and Practice (MLT)
- LIT 7106: Gender and Literature (MLT)
- LIT 7102: Literary Linguistics (MLT)
- LIT 1101: Survey of African Literature (BAED)
- LIT 2102: African Oral Literature (BAED)
- LIT 212 Special Author (BES)
- ELS 1102 Communication Skills (KMS/KAN/BNS)