Dr. Julius Alexander Arinaitwe
Chief, Directorate of Research & Grants
- Directorate of Research and Grants
- Faculty of Science
- Department of Biological Sciences
- jaarinaitwe@kab.ac.ug | arinaitwe2012@gmail.com
- +256789582645
- B.Sc. (Hons.) MAK; M.Sc. MAK; Ph. D MAK; MBA USW, UK
- | Google Scholar
Julius is an experienced leader and director with 25 years of experience directing not-for-profit biodiversity conservation organizations. He is an expert in the field of biodiversity conservation, community-based natural resource management, policy and advocacy work, and capacity development at local, national, and international levels.
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Zoology, Makerere University;
M.Sc. in Vertebrate Ecology, Makerere University;
Ph. D (Environmental Science), Makerere University;
Master of Business Administration, University of South Wales, UK
Research Interests
Current research interests
- Biodiversity conservation
- Ecosystem restoration
- Arinaitwe, J. and Pomeroy, D. E. (1991). The contribution of Palearctic Migrants to the Wetland Bird Communities in Uganda. A Poster presented at the BOU Conference, Norwich 1991.
2. Arinaitwe, J.. (1992). Effects of wetland drainage on the diversity and abundance of waterbirds. M.Sc. Thesis, Makerere University.
3. Arinaitwe, J and Mwima, P 1994: Inventory of the waterbirds of Lake George wetlands and recommendations for their management. Report to the Uganda National Wetlands Conservation and Management Programme.and George.
4. Kasoma, P M B and Arinaitwe, J 1996: Lakeshores and wetlands as habitats for ciconiiformes wading birds in Uganda. In Beilfuss, R, Tarboton, W R and Gichuki, N (Eds.) 1996: Proceedings of the 1993 African Crane and wetlands training workshop, ICF, Wisconsin, USA.
5. Arinaitwe, J 1997: Waterbirds in Uganda: towards development of a national action plan. In van Vessem, J (Ed) 1997: Determining priorities for waterbird and wetland conservation. Proceedings of workshop 4 of the International Conference on wetlands and Development held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 9 -13 October, 1995. Wetlands International, Kuala Lumpur.
6. Arinaitwe, J 1997: Some aspects of the distribution of waterbird communities along the North western shores of Lake Victoria, Uganda. PhD Thesis, Makerere University
7. Arinaitwe, J, Byaruhanga, A and Mafabi, P 2000: Key sites for the conservation of waterbirds in Uganda. Ostrich 71:102-105
8. Thomas, D., Arinaitwe, J., Brock-Doyle, A., Thompson, H., Evans, S., Winkelman, J., Mwangi, S. and Johnson, M. (2002) Harnessing local support for the conservation of Important Bird Areas. Poster for International Ornithological Congress, Durban, South Africa.
9. Pain, D J, Fishpool, L, Byaruhanga, A, Arinaitwe, J and Balmford, A 2005: Biodiversity representation in Uganda’s forest IBAs. Biological Conservation 125: 133-138
10. Arinaitwe, J A, Ngeh, P and Thompson H S 2007: The contribution of the Important Bird Areas programme to the conservation of birds in Africa. Ostrich 2007, 78 (2): 139-143
11. Graeme M. Buchanan, Paul F. Donald, Lincoln D. C. Fishpool, Julius A. Arinaitwe, Mark Balman And Philippe Mayaux (2009): An assessment of land cover and threats in Important Bird Areas in Africa. Bird Conservation International 19:1–13.
12. BirdLife International (2008) Toolkit for Important Bird Area Conservation in Africa. Nairobi, Kenya: BirdLife International. 84 pp. Compiled by Julius Arinaitwe and Samuel Osinubi
13. BirdLife International (2009): Tracking the Status and Trends of Biodiversity in Africa’s Protected Areas as a Contribution to reducing the rate of biodiversity loss: Regional Report (2001–2008). Compiled by Thandiwe Chikomo, George Eshiamwata, Michael Macharia and Julius Arinaitwe
14. Arinaitwe, J., Thompson, H., Ngeh, P. and Nsengimana, S. 2007. Enhancing Participatory Protected Area Management Effectiveness in the Albertine Rift: the case of Rwanda. Poster presentation at an International Research Conference on Biodiversity and the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, Kigali, Rwanda.
15. BirdLife International (2007): Conserving Biodiversity in Africa: Guidelines for Applying the Site Support Group Approach. ICIPE Science Press, Nairobi, Kenya. Compiled by Julius Arinaitwe and Solomon Mwangi
16. Thompson H.S. and Arinaitwe J. 2006. Community participation in avian conservation in Africa. Poster presentation at the International Ornithological Conference, Hamburg, Germany.
17. BirdLife International (2005). Strategy for the conservation and sustainable management of IBAs in Africa: 2005–2015. BirdLife International, Nairobi Kenya. Compiled by Julius Arinaitwe
18. Hole, D. G., Huntley, B., Arinaitwe, J., Butchart, S. H. M., Collingham, Y. C., Fishpool, L. D. C., Pain, D. J. And Willis, S. G. (2011), Toward a Management Framework for Networks of Protected Areas in the Face of Climate Change. Conservation Biology, 25: 305–315. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2010.01633.x.
19. Stuart H. M. Butchart, Jörn P. W. Scharlemann, Mike I. Evans, Suhel Quader, Salvatore Aricò, Julius Arinaitwe, Mark Balman, Leon A. Bennun, Bastian Bertzky, Charles Besançon, Timothy M. Boucher, Thomas M. Brooks, Ian J. Burfield, Neil D. Burgess, Simba Chan, Rob P. Clay, Mike J. Crosby, Nicholas C. Davidson, Naamal De Silva, Christian Devenish, Guy C. L. Dutson, David F. DÃaz Fernández, Lincoln D. C. Fishpool, Claire Fitzgerald, Matt Foster, Melanie F. Heath, Marc Hockings, Michael Hoffmann, David Knox, Frank W. Larsen, John F. Lamoreux, Colby Loucks, Ian May, James Millett, Dominic Molloy, Paul Morling, Mike Parr, Taylor H. Ricketts, Nathalie Seddon, Benjamin Skolnik, Simon N. Stuart, Amy Upgren, Stephen Woodley, 2012. Protecting important sites for biodiversity contributes to meeting global conservation targets. PLoS ONE, 7(3) 1-8.
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