Dr Jackson Tumwine

  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Department of Sociology
  • jtumwine@kab.ac.ug
  • +256782744868
  • Ph.D. in Social Sciences (Major Sociology, Development, Research and Policy analysis) from Wageningen University, The Netherlands (2018), Masters Degree in Sociology from Makerere University (2004), On job training through CIAT-Africa on Agriculture and Rural Development , University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna, Austria (2006), On Job training in Nutrition Policy at Cornell University, New York, USA, Bachelors Degree in Social Sciences-Major Sociology and Social Anthropology (1999).
  • | Google Scholar | ResearchGate | Academia

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My research interests relate to the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of development programs, primarily in low- and middle-income countries.  My approach to this work has been from a transdisciplinary, engaged, and problem-oriented perspective, in which the key research questions and choice of methods emerge in the course of engaging with policy and program actors at global, national, or sub-national levels.  This approach is guided by robust theoretical frameworks and ensures that the research is responsive to real-world concerns and more likely to be understood, valued, and used by those responsible for policies and programs.



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