Information and Communication Technology in Ugandan Higher Education: A Case of Makerere University
This article specifically focuses on the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a strategy for delivering effective management of educational services in a cross-section of educational institutions, universities inclusive. Makerere University (MAK) in Uganda was taken as a case study where ICT was introduced with the main aim of improving effectiveness in the delivery of educational services. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become a matter of great importance in today’s business in all spheres of life, globally. From commerce to aeronautics, medicine to education, there is no discipline which is an exception in the need to use ICT in their daily operations. In the area of higher education management, ICT use is of central significance too. Universities of the contemporary world cannot afford to ignore the role of ICT in carrying out their business lest they are left behind by the supersonic developments in the various areas of life. Therefore, as a matter of necessity, universities must embrace ICT adoption in teaching/learning and administrative activities. This study discusses the nature of ICT tools installed in MAK, perceptions and experiences of stakeholders in the effectiveness of ICT adoption and strategies for effective ICT use in educational services management.
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