Hydrological Systems in the Greater Virunga Landscape: Water Quality around Mikeno Sector
Monitoring of environmental parameters is one of the highest priorities in the evaluation of environmental status of water resources and in environmental protection policy. The main objectives
are to understand and evaluate the water quantity and quality in order to provide water of appropriate quality to various water users. The water quantity was assessed by the measurement of
runoff or discharge at specific river cross sections using floating method for surface water and
bucket and stopwatch method for springs and boreholes. The quality of river water and spring
was identified in terms of its physical, chemical, and biological parameters. The analyzed data
were compared with standard values recommended by WHO. Macroinvertebrates were collected
in the rivers using a plankton nets and 10 minutes of sampling. Identification was made at the laboratory of Malacology. Results revealed that the quality of water obtained from sampling points
is generally good to use for different domestic purposes except the Idanta River and Rwembwe
borehole, which need an appropriate treatment before use. All sampling points are located far
from houses and latrines, which can contribute to fecal contamination. On the different sampling
points, bathing and washing clothes were observed and could constitute the source of pollution of
drinking water. In Idanta and Kamira Rivers animals used water for drinking while also people
use this water for domestic and drinking. In the two sampling points high values of Escherichia coli
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