Tuition & Fees Search

Fees Structure 2024-2025
Academic Programmes Code Tuition Fees per Semester Duration
East Africans & RSS Non East Africans
Bachelor of Public Administration and Management KPA UGX 725,000 $ 400 3 Years
Master of Medicine: Paediatrics and Child Health MMED:Pae UGX 2,500,000 $1730 3 Years
Master of Medicine: Obstetrics and Gynaecology MMED:Obs UGX 2,500,000 $1730 3 Years
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Business Administration (By Research) PHDBA- R UGX 3,000,000 $2000 3 Years
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Public Administration and Management (By Coursework and Research) PHDPAM-CW&R UGX 4,000,000 $2500 3 Years
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Business Administration (By Coursework and Research) PHDBA-CW&R UGX 4,000,000 $2500 3 Years
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Public Administration and Management (By Research) PHDPAM- R UGX 3,000,000 $2000 3 Years
Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences BSS UGX 725,000 $400 3 Years
Doctoral of Philosophy (PhD) in Education (By Coursework and Research) PhDE UGX 4,000,000 $2,500 3 Years
Doctoral of Philosophy (PhD) in Education (By Research) PhDER UGX 3,000,000 $2,000 3 Years
Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology KIB UGX 850,000 $480 3 Years
Bachelor of Industrial and Applied Physics KAP UGX 850,000 $480 3 Years
Bachelor of Catering and Hospitality KCH UGX 725,000 $400 3 Years
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Environmental Science (By Research) PhDES UGX 3,000,000 $2,000 3 Years
Bachelor of Human Resource Management KHR UGX 725,000 $400 3 Years