Final Undergraduate Examination Timetable for Semester I, 2024/2025 Now Available with Full Venue Details!

Kabale University is pleased to announce the release of the Final Examination Timetable for the End of Semester I, 2024/2025 undergraduate examinations.

This finalized timetable includes the confirmed dates, times and venues for all examinations, providing all necessary details up to the last day of the examination period. Students are encouraged to review the timetable carefully and make the necessary preparations.

Key Details:

  1. Confirmed Schedule: No further changes will be made to this timetable.
  2. Exam Venues: All venues have been included to ensure smooth coordination on exam days.
  3. Stay Updated: Regularly check the University Website Notice Board and our official social media platforms for any related announcements.

Download the Final Undergraduate Examination Timetable:

For further assistance or clarification, contact the Office of the Academic Registrar.

Kabale University wishes all students success in their examinations. Stay focused and give your best effort!